Potassium is an important mineral. This test tests potassium levels in the blood to evaluate electrolyte balance and determine whether your potassium levels are within normal limits.
Read more about the potassium blood test.
A variety of circumstances can falsely elevate potassium. These include the way a test is collected and processed. Clenching and relaxing your fists during the test can falsely elevate potassium. Delaying blood samples or rough handling can cause potassium to leak from blood cells. If the results are abnormal, a healthcare practitioner may suggest repeating the test.
What happens next?
The lab sends the results to your personal dashboard, with comments from both a doctor and a nutritionist. If results are abnormal, we recommend seeing a doctor and, if appropriate, booking an appointment with a Nordic Wellth nutrition lifestyle specialist.
You may need to make lifestyle and dietary changes.